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Modern Slavery Statement

This statement sets out the steps taken by Revive Clean to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within our operations and supply chains. Revive Clean is committed to conducting business in an ethical, responsible, and transparent manner. We understand that modern slavery is a serious issue, and we aim to ensure that our practices and those of our suppliers align with the principles of respect for human rights.

This statement is made in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and covers the financial year ending December 2025.


Our Commitment
At Revive Clean, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct in all our business dealings. We take a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, which includes all forms of slavery, forced labour, human trafficking, and child labour. We believe that every person deserves to work in an environment that is free from exploitation and abuse.


Our Business
Revive Clean is a commercial cleaning service. We operate in the North West of England and provide high-quality cleaning services to a wide range of clients, including hospitality, office buildings, construction sites, educational institutions and also residential clients.


Our Supply Chains
Revive Clean sources products and services from a diverse range of suppliers across various sectors, including cleaning products, equipment, and subcontracted labour. We recognise the risk of modern slavery within global supply chains and are committed to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking are not present in any part of our operations or supply chain.


Policies and Procedures
To prevent modern slavery, we have implemented the following policies and procedures:

  1. Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy: This policy outlines our commitment to ensuring modern slavery and human trafficking do not occur in our operations. All employees are required to adhere to this policy.

  2. Supplier Code of Conduct: Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets expectations for suppliers, including the prohibition of forced labour, child labour, and human trafficking. We work with suppliers to ensure that they adhere to these principles.

  3. Due Diligence: We conduct due diligence on potential suppliers, assessing their practices and commitment to eliminating modern slavery. This includes asking suppliers to complete questionnaires and requiring them to meet specific ethical standards.

  4. Training and Awareness: We provide training for our employees, particularly those involved in procurement and supply chain management, to ensure they can identify the signs of modern slavery and take appropriate action if they suspect it.

  5. Whistleblowing Mechanism: We have implemented a whistleblowing policy that allows employees, contractors, and suppliers to report concerns related to modern slavery or unethical practices without fear of retaliation.

  6. Audit and Monitoring: We regularly audit our supply chains and review the effectiveness of our policies and practices. This helps us identify and address any areas where the risk of modern slavery may be higher.

Due Diligence and Risk Assessment
We understand that modern slavery risks can vary across different sectors and regions. As part of our due diligence process, we assess and monitor any potential risks within our supply chains and business operations. We prioritise high-risk suppliers and regions, ensuring that they meet our ethical standards.


Our Performance and Progress
We are committed to continual improvement in our efforts to prevent modern slavery. In the past year, we have made significant progress in providing additional training for employees to raise awareness of modern slavery issues.


Looking Ahead
Revive Clean is dedicated to improving its practices and ensuring that modern slavery does not exist within our operations. We will continue to review and update our policies, provide training to staff and suppliers, and work closely with stakeholders to combat modern slavery in all its forms.


Approval and Commitment
This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors of Revive Clean. We are committed to taking the necessary actions to ensure that modern slavery is not tolerated within our company or supply chain.


Signed by:

Shannon Donoghue
Managing Director
Revive Clean
Date: 8th January 2025

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